Poetry & Photography

The poet and photographer combined (4)


Here’s another combination piece by yours truly. Keep that love aflame!

The poet and photographer combined (3)


In two previous posts I used (with permission) the poem of Kelly Hartland, and another poem by Lila, then paired each with an image from my collection to come up with a poetry/photography piece. Above is another combination work, this time reflecting the poet in me. Yes, I dabbled in poetry way back, and just yesterday I was able to dug up an old notebook (with already yellowish pages) containing several dozens of my poems composed many years ago. That is the wonder of creative pieces such as poems and photos – they remain timeless.

The poet and photographer combined

JJWP338The above literary piece (used with permission) is by Kelly Hartland paired with one of my nature photos. I have been toying with the idea of a collaboration between two classes of artists – the poets and photographers. The concept isn’t unique, there have been poetry/photo books by poet and photography authors who combined their works. I broached the subject to Kelly who thought it was a great idea, and to Lila (of the blog Lila’s Twist) who was excited about it. We now have digital publishing platforms where we can create and publish online books and magazines. I have been doing it for the past four issues of the Digital Magazine edition of this blog. But this here at WordPress is a community, and a collaboration is a collective undertaking. If this project ever hopes to push through, what is needed aside from the materials is a concerted effort, the deliberate coming together of talent and creativity by everyone involved. Can these two breeds of artists, distinct in perspective and perception, different in methods and styles, but one in rendering imagery and inspiration, actually join forces? Oh, you tell me. Two of them just collaborated above.