Know thy light

Light, in any time of day from sunrise to sunset and everything in between, will give you distinct colors, contrast and shadows. Add to that weather conditions and seasonal situations and you have a whole array of dramatic lights, moods, mist, haze and surrealism. Photography is light and understanding natural light – where it is in the time of day, how it falls on a subject, how it affects the surrounding area of the subject, how it plays up or subdues colors, how it impacts highlights and shadows and many other factors – will have a great significance on the outcome of an image. I won’t bother with professional photographers, it is their job to know everything about light, natural or otherwise. But for hobbyists, amateurs and enthusiasts, I plead that you take time to read this gem of a tutorial Natural Light In Photography from the website Cambridge In Colour. After reading it, go out and have a look at your immediate surrounding, no need to go far. Just observe how light settles on people, objects, doors, windows and structures. In the case of my photo, a side entrance. You will be keenly aware. You will be ultra receptive. Your eyes will be more sensitive as they scan around for photographic possibilities.

4 responses

  1. George Vagabon

    Great photo and lines of composition

    October 28, 2012 at 8:39 am

  2. Junsjazz

    Thank you always George!

    October 28, 2012 at 9:17 am

  3. wonderful simplicity of the shot and nice write-up about the light.

    October 28, 2012 at 10:49 am

    • Junsjazz

      Much thanks Virgilio!

      November 23, 2012 at 12:58 am

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